Friday, May 15, 2009

Hans would love the title..fuck.

16 gallons of hot water, 3 tabs, 1 long car ride, and 1 bojangles pitstop later..

I'm so done with school, I don't think anyone even remotely knows. I mean realllly now.
How stupid was I to think that she wouldn't say anything? I knew she read them, but I didn't think she'd actually tell her friends. I mean God, one of her friends hates me. I guess I'm too trusting, or think too highly of her. Well, not anymore. I'm done. I'm over-done. She can do whatever the hell she wants now. Simply 'cause I won't have anything to do with her anymore. Nope. I don't care what she says, it's not happening. You can't do that, and expect nothing to happen but to get yelled at.
No more Bojangles. Ever.

Anyways, Symposium was awesome. It was the first and last one of the year. First for me, last for everyone. I was pretty impressed actually. As far as I could see, the track meet was doing...decent? It was postponed a couple times, but oh well[:
So all within 6 hours, I got my fill of drama for the day. Starting with Bio drop and ending with the car ride home.
and of course everything inbetween.

I just think everyone needs to step back.
Step way, way back.
Just think:
Some things are right under your nose the whole time, but you don't realize it until it's too late.
You did great, really.

I'm on to the ultimate death of studying, Facebook, now.
Text if needed.


1 comment:

  1. I <3 the title! hahaha and this post has my name written all over it too!
