Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So I'm not one of those religious bloggers..

please forgive.

texts, Philly cheese steaks, EXAMS, work schedule, creative process.

First off, Camille, I know you are one of the followers of this blog. I don't know if you'll read this one, but I'm sorry for never sending you my itunes! I kinda got distracted... I'm sorrrry! ]:


I'm not sure where to begin, honestly. Let's fill for a moment:

I went shopping.

I got new shorts and shirts.

I wrote my English final in a hour, it was 4 pages.

I didn't feel like studying for exams, because that makes me stressed.

I helped out Hans, a little bit, I hope.

My parents told me they want to retire to Espana.

I read wayyy too many pages of www.textsfromlastnight.com.

I reread a very horrible book from sixth grade.

Fillers, done.

Ahhhh, last week. Yearbooks! I have pages and pages of people signing my yearbooks. But I only actually care about a small amount of them. It's funny to think how everyone was yelling: "SIGN MINE, WHERE'S YOURS?" when clearly they didn't talk to you the whole year. It's quite enjoyable. I tried to get everyone I cared about to sign first, so they would have the room they wanted, but well, I didn't see them all. Poor Christina and Jake, on separate papers haha. Anyways, the point. I went back and read some of the stuff people wrote. And i started laughing. Mostly because one of my "good friends" wrote all this amazingly nice and caring stuff, but now is acting like even less of a friend then before. Which should be puzzling, but it's not. They think because the wrote in my yearbook they can not try even more. hahahahaha, oh the human brain.

I worked Sunday. Work itself is slightly boring, but the other lifeguards are hilarious, so it will be a pretty good summer. I got myself into more trouble though. I'm not quite sure how I manage this. Taylor told me he liked me again. After all this friggin' time. Flattered, yes. Happy, no. He's sweet, and nice. But I've been down this road, and I don't want to go back. Plus, I had someone else on my mind. I tried to make this clear, but apparently it didn't work, since he was still upset today when my relationship status changed....odd, no?

Summer is less than a week away, so I started to think about how I'd want to spend one of my summers. I got it.

It's something so typical, but I want to backpack. But unlike oh-so many people, I just want Spain and Alaska. I don't know what my Dad saw there when he was in the Air Force, but he loves both of those places. Whenever he talks about them, I get so excited. I mean, you've got to admit, they are beautiful. And they would be so different. Spain would be different from the USA, obviously. And Alaska would be an extremely different state then North Carolina...or any other state I've been to for that matter.

So I was reading Hans'(s) blog. It was making me think. He pours his whole entire being into two blogs, and some person anonymously tells him all this critical stuff. I'm not sure I completely understand that. Not him spilling his guts, that's understandable. I mean some person criticizing him on how he feels. That doesn't make much sense to me. But maybe that's just me?

Just think- a world with no Internet. No privacy disturbances, no hacking, no personal information on the web. What a beautiful, oblivious world we'd live in..

Night all,

I've put off sleep long enough[:



  1. hahahaa! okedoke, just do it whenever! if worst comes to worse, i'll send you your cd! ♥

  2. hahaha, thanks!
    I'm sure i'll get to it tomorrow, because i'm turning my beloved laptop in]:

  3. YES! You helped me a bunch! And I agree...those people criticizing my emotions and feelings is just BS. Thank you for all the support and HELP! It's working!

  4. hahaha
    no problem hans.

    there was supposed to be a new post.
    but it didn't show up...
